Why I Love Jekyll!

I recently had the pleasure of working with the SpokenWeb team on their website, which is a static “minimal computing” website built using a program called Jekyll]. Jekyll is a static web framework that allows users to build sites by encoding their content into markdown files and then embedding that...
The End of Infinity

Even though infinity is one of my favorite topics, I still find it awkward to write about it. Infinity absolutely falls into the category of "weird science" that is interesting to a general audience and generates mountains of explainer articles and videos. As well, I've already written extensively about infinity...
Generative AI has no Clothes

I have been and likely will always be interested in artificial intelligence; I genuinely find the topic fascinating. Artificial humans have played an extremely important part of my childhood, and figures prominently in the way I see and interact with the world. So, it should come as no surprise that,...
Orbiting Jupiter

During my undergrad, I spent a lot of my free time trying to write a novel. At the time, the project meant a lot to me, but it was a doomed endeavour from the start; I’m just not good at writing characters. The novel was less a coherent story and...
A Eulogy for Evangelicals

I worked at Christian summer camps for most of my twenties, and during my final year there I remember a specific conversation I had with some younger counsellors. The topic was common: predestination, did god purposefully create some humans knowing they wouldn’t believe in him damning them to hell? The...