Atheism vs Religion

I discovered physics at a relatively young age, and I fondly remember reading every book I could find on the subject at the local library; quantum physics, higher dimensions, multiple worlds: this stuff fascinated me to an extent I still can’t fully communicate. I will admit that I didn’t understand...
Re: Barry Bonds Without a Bat
I do, however, love games, numbers, strategy, and game theory. So when Chart Party (a recurring feature on the sports YouTube channel [SB Nation][SB-nation] hosted by [Jon Bois][Jon-Bois]) ran the numbers on what would happen if Barry Bonds, one of the greatest baseball players of all time, played without a...
The internet is too big.
On March 26 2019, the European union passed the copyright directive – a new, comprehensive set of rules that are supposed move the European copyright laws, written before the internet was a thing, into the digital age. The directive includes two controversial clauses that, depending on who you ask, will...
Galatea 2.2, Game Theory, and Romance: A Scientist Pretending to be a Humanist on a Humanist Pretending to be A Scientist.
(Note: This is a paper I wrote for the University of Alberta’s Graduate comparative literature conference. I wrote it mostly on a dare; I didn’t really even know what comparative literature even was when I wrote it. I have a lot of other term papers and essays that I haven’t...
Does Juri exist? Classifying Existence
Defining existence, like many philosophical terms, is a notoriously difficult task. Intuitively it is extraordinarily simple concept, which is a problem. When asked if anything exists anyone can give a quick binary answer: either it exists or it doesn’t. Humans exist, Unicorns don’t exist, black holes exist, and nothing that...